6 Benefits of Prenatal Massage Therapy

At Everest Therapeutics, in the heart of downtown Vancouver, our team of over 20 highly skilled registered massage therapists is dedicated to supporting your well-being, especially during the transformative journey of pregnancy. With pregnancy comes change, especially when it comes to your body. Prenatal massage therapy is a wonderful way to ease both the physical and emotional challenges that can accompany this exciting journey, and supports both you and your baby in optimal health. 

This article addresses the six most important benefits that pregnancy massage can provide you, designed to enhance your prenatal experience and nurture your journey to motherhood.

1. Enhanced Circulation and Reduced Swelling

Pregnancy can often lead to decreased circulation and increased swelling in the feet and ankles, as a result of pressure on the blood vessels. Our prenatal massage therapists are certified in techniques that are specifically designed to improve circulation and reduce swelling by promoting the removal of excess fluids and toxins. This process not only alleviates discomfort but also supports the health of both mother and baby.

2. Relief from Muscle and Joint Pain

As your body adapts to accommodate the growing baby, muscle tension and joint pain can become more pronounced. Our therapists focus on relieving these discomforts by targeting areas prone to strain during pregnancy, such as the lower back, hips, and shoulders. Pregnancy massage sessions help reduce overall pain and increase mobility, helping you move better and feel better. 

3. Improved Sleep Patterns

Many expectant mothers find it challenging to find a comfortable sleeping position, leading to restless nights. Prenatal massage releases tense muscles and promotes relaxation, making it easier for you to find comfort and enjoy a more restful sleep.

4. Emotional Support and Stress Reduction

Pregnancy is a time of great emotional and hormonal changes. Regular prenatal massage sessions provide a nurturing touch, which can be incredibly soothing. The physical benefits of relaxation help reduce stress and anxiety levels, promoting a sense of well-being and emotional balance.

5. Preparation for Labor

Prenatal massage therapy can play a pivotal role in your preparation for labor. By enhancing flexibility and endurance through targeted muscle relaxation, massage therapy can aim to facilitate a smoother labor process. Additionally, the relaxation techniques learned during massage sessions can be invaluable during labour, and can contribute to a smoother delivery.

6. Promotes Skin Elasticity

To accommodate your growing baby, your skin stretches, sometimes leading to stretch marks. The gentle, therapeutic touch of prenatal massage helps to improve skin elasticity, potentially reducing the occurrence of stretch marks. Our high-quality, safe oils and lotions also nourish your skin, leaving it feeling soft and hydrated.

Choosing the Right Prenatal Massage Therapist

When seeking prenatal massage therapy, it’s essential to find a therapist with the right expertise, experience, and understanding to ensure a safe and beneficial session. Here are key factors to consider:

  • Certifications: Our therapists are trained in prenatal massage. They understand the anatomy, physiology, and the unique needs of pregnant women.
  • Comfort and Communication: Choose a therapist with whom you feel comfortable discussing your needs and concerns. A good therapist will ask about your health history, pregnancy details, and comfort preferences.
  • Environment: Your massage environment should feel clean, safe, welcoming and equipped with the necessary tools for your support and comfort. Pregnancy pillows, proper lotions and oils, and a calming environment should all be part of your experience. 
  • Reviews and Feedback: Recommendations from others can be invaluable in finding a great prenatal massage therapist. You can also read about therapists through their biographies, or reviews online. When in doubt, please call our reception team and they will help you in picking the right therapist for your massage.

Our Approach to Prenatal Massage at Everest Therapeutics

At Everest Therapeutics, our approach to prenatal massage is rooted in understanding, care, and expertise. We recognize that pregnancy is a unique and personal journey, and our goal is to provide a supportive environment where expectant mothers can feel nurtured and at ease. Here’s an in-depth look at how we tailor our prenatal massage services to meet the specific needs of each mother-to-be:

Personalized Care

From the moment you step into our downtown Vancouver clinic, our focus is on you. Before beginning any session, our therapists conduct a thorough consultation to understand your medical history, any current discomforts, and your pregnancy stage. This personalized care ensures that the massage is tailored to your specific needs and preferences, providing the most benefit and comfort.

Safety First

Your safety and that of your unborn baby are our utmost priorities. Our therapists are trained and equipped with the knowledge to modify techniques, ensuring a safe experience. We pay careful attention to positioning, using specially designed pregnancy pillows for support, and avoid certain pressure points that are not advised during pregnancy.

A Holistic Approach

Understanding that pregnancy affects the body, mind, and emotions, our prenatal massages aim to address each of these aspects. By employing a range of techniques, we work to relieve physical discomforts such as back pain and swelling, while also employing gentle, soothing strokes to reduce stress and promote emotional well-being. Our approach is holistic, aiming to enhance your overall pregnancy experience.

Education and Empowerment

Part of our service includes educating expectant mothers on self-care techniques that can be used at home, such as stretches or relaxation methods. We believe in empowering our clients with knowledge to manage discomfort and maintain well-being throughout their pregnancy journey.

A Supportive Environment

Our clinic is designed to be a haven of tranquility and relaxation. From the serene ambiance to the warm, welcoming nature of our staff, every element is geared towards making your experience as comfortable and positive as possible. We strive to be a part of your support system during this special time, providing not just physical relief, but also emotional support.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is it OK to get a massage while pregnant?

Absolutely. Prenatal massage is specifically tailored to the needs of pregnant women and their changing bodies. Our therapists are professionally trained to ensure a safe, comfortable, and beneficial experience throughout your pregnancy.

How many weeks pregnant should you be to get a massage?

You can start receiving prenatal massages at any point during your pregnancy. However, some women prefer to wait until after their first trimester. It’s always a good idea to consult with your healthcare provider before beginning any new therapy during pregnancy.

When can you go for a pregnancy massage?

You can go for a pregnancy massage at any stage of your pregnancy. At Everest Therapeutics, we offer massage therapy that caters to all stages of pregnancy, providing relief and support from conception to delivery.

When is the best time to get a prenatal massage?

The best time for a prenatal massage is when you feel the need for relief or relaxation. Whether you’re experiencing back pain, feeling stressed, or just in need of some pampering, our doors are open. Listening to your body and scheduling sessions when you feel you will benefit the most is key.

At Everest Therapeutics, we’re committed to supporting you through every step of your pregnancy journey. Our team of expert massage therapists in downtown Vancouver is here to offer you a sanctuary of relaxation and relief. Contact us today to schedule your prenatal massage and embrace the nurturing experience every mother deserves.